Green Statement

Take Me To London is a Member of the Green Tourism Business Scheme and awaiting rating. We are committed to sustainability and to providing a high-quality service whilst minimising the environmental impact of our activities. The scheme provides accreditation and encouragement for tourism businesses to reduce the environmental impact of their activities. By encouraging sustainable practices, the scheme ensures the continued enjoyment of the environment around us for future generations.

We are continuously looking for ways to improve how we do things.

As a very minimum, we comply with all relevant environmental legislation

We are committed to raising the awareness of our clients, suppliers and fellow industry professionals with regards to sustainability issues (and how they can help)

We monitor and review our environmental performance on a regular basis


We use and encourage our clients to use public transport wherever is possible or electric mini coaches.

Purchasing and Partners

Wherever possible we try to source products which are produced locally,, and environmentally friendly.

We promote and work together with local family businesses and we also highly recommend the local farms shops which are in an abundance in the areas we visit.

Our Natural Environment

We aim to leave as little environmental impact during our tours as possible. Encourage people to walk on footpaths to reduce erosion and protect ground nesting birds. We also talk about the environment, flora and fauna during our walks.

Local Communities

We care about local communities and we make sure that our tours doesn’t disturb the day to day life of the local communities. We include in our tours elements of local life and cultural anecdotes of local residents, folklore etc whenever we can. We aim to work together with local communities .

Green Quotes

“Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but photographs, kill nothing but time.”

For most of history, man has had to fight nature to survive; in this century he is beginning to realize that, in order to survive, he must protect it. —Jacques-Yves Cousteau

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
— Khalil Gibra